March 1-2, 2025
Register 5-9 teams receive a $25 per team discount
Register 10+ teams receive a $50 per teams discount


About The East Coast College Showcase
The 2025 East Coast College Showcase will be played at the new Shawnee Sports Complex in Dunbar, WV on March 1-2, 2025. The $18 million, Shawnee Sports Complex opened in 2018 and now hosts numerous sports activities for soccer, lacrosse, football, baseball, and softball. The complex features six, full-size turf soccer fields with state-of-the-art musco lighting. Fields are set up for 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 configurations making field transitions seamless. Additional turf fields are available as necessary as part of the adjacent baseball/softball complex. Synthetic turf fields and lighting virtually ensures full tournament play regardless of weather. The Shawnee Sports Complex has hosted numerous, major soccer tournaments including the USYS Eastern Presidents Cup in 2019,2021,2024 and the USYS Eastern Regional Championships in 2019, 2024. The facilities and staff are committed to the highest level of professionalism and service during tournament events.
***All Teams Must Complete Team Check-in Online***
Required Documents:
If you are a GotSport club please use the roster builder for all of your teams.
If you are not a GotSport Club please follow the instructions below.
Upload the list of items below:
Copy of USYS State Approved Roster or their US Club Approved Roster (Please mark out any players not attending the event and write-in any guest players. See note below concerning guest players).
Player and coaches cards
USYS Teams outside of Region I: A copy of the Permission to Travel form
Include Guest Players’ player card with the rest of your team information when uploading documents
Do not upload medical release forms for guest players but you are required to have them present at all games.
Special Note on Guest Players: US Club Soccer teams may only take guest players registered under US Club Soccer, and USYS teams may only take guest players registered with properly stamped USYS player pass cards.
1. Rosters - Step 1. Upload a copy of your official team roster. Please write in any guest players at the bottom of your roster. Please cross out a player on your roster who will not attend or play in the event.
A. Log in to your coach/manager account and click on the "Team Management" button
B. Click on the name of the team you are working on
C. Open the "Team Registrations" tab
D. Click on the East Coast College Showcase that you are Working to Upload Documents to
E. Open the "Registration" tab
F. Next click on the "Edit" button
G. For any files that are being asked to be uploaded, you will be able to click on the "choose file" button and upload accordingly. If you have a challenge uploading a document, there is a good chance that the document is too large and will need to be decreased in size.
H. Click Save. Once this is complete, then the event director will be able to view your documents for the online check in process.
2. Player Pass - Step 2. Upload a copy of your coach and player passes, including any guest player passes.
3. Rosters - Step 3 - GotSport Online Roster. We will need all players input into the GotSport Roster.
To create an Event Roster go to "Team Management", then click on the team name you are wanting to create a roster for.
From your team list, click on the name of the team you are working on.
Locate and click on the "Rosters" module.
Click on the event drop down and select the event that you're working on and then click "Search".
Locate the clone roster tool and click on the drop down. Only the event(s) that the event director is allowing you to clone from will appear on this list. Select your event and click "Clone".
Once that has been completed, refresh and each of the players will appear on the roster.
We will be cross-referencing Steps #1-3 before approving your team's roster.
4. Roster Approvals. Once we see all of the items above on our admin side, we will approve your roster, and you will be good to go. Please check-in with the tournament no later than 30 minutes prior to your first match to let us know your team is on property. You will receive an approved roster at that time to keep with during the tounament.
5. Gotsport Roster Questions. If you have issues building rosters, you can inquire with your club admin, with the tournament admin at susan@aapgllc.com or submit a support ticket to GotSport here: https://gotsport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
If you have a question about whether you have the Gotsport Online Roster set, you can contact susan@aapgllc.com.
6. What is the deadline for the above Roster requirements? February 15, 2025, 5:00pm.